Import Blocks from Bitcoin Core Database

If you already have a Bitcoin Core node with -txindex flag enabled, you can import the blocks from the Bitcoin Core database instead of downloading from the network.

Get the bitcoind Binary

To have flexible control over bitcoind behavior, it’s recommended to compile the bitcoind binary from source rather than downloading it directly from Bitcoin releases which do not conveniently expose developer-oriented options. You can find the build instructions for your operating system under build-*.md in the Bitcoin repository. For Linux, refer to

# Ensure these two commands exist after successfully compiling the Bitcoin Core source code.
./src/bitcoind --help
./src/bitcoin-cli --help

Next, start a bitcoind node with txindex and coinstatsindex enabled. txindex is necessary for importing blocks into Subcoin, and coinstatsindex is required to query and verify the UTXO set of a specific block later. For example, use /tmp/btc-data as the data directory:

mkdir -p /tmp/btc-data && ./src/bitcoind -datadir=/tmp/btc-data -txindex -coinstatsindex

Keep the bitcoind process running for a while to ensure it has synchronized a number of blocks. Note that bitcoind will first synchronize the block headers and only start downloading blocks after the headers are synced. This step might take some time depending on the peer connections (10+ minutes on my machine).

2024-07-11T17:23:10Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000008c273c4c215892eacbafec33c199cfd3d9b539cdb6aafc39f54 height=142979 version=0x00000001 log2_work=66.385350 tx=1392173 date='2011-08-29T01:23:19Z' progress=0.001342 cache=33.0MiB(304442txo)

Stop the bitcoind process and proceed to import the blocks from the bitcoind database into Subcoin.

Run subcoin import-blocks

Ensure you have installed subcoin. If not, refer to installation to install the subcoin binary.

# Specify `subcoin-data` as the data directory for Subcoin and import the blocks from
# `/tmp/btc-data` which is the `bitcoind` database we set up earlier.
# `--state-pruning archive` is necessary for querying the state of the UTXO set later.
subcoin import-blocks /tmp/btc-data -d subcoin-data --state-pruning archive

You should see output similar to this:

2024-07-12 01:28:51 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x1c68…f3f8, header-hash: 0xbdc8…a76b)
2024-07-12 01:28:53 🏁 CPU score: 1.15 GiBs
2024-07-12 01:28:53 🏁 Memory score: 13.87 GiBs
2024-07-12 01:28:53 🏁 Disk score (seq. writes): 1.77 GiBs
2024-07-12 01:28:53 🏁 Disk score (rand. writes): 678.77 MiBs
2024-07-12 01:28:53 Start loading block_index
2024-07-12 01:28:53 Successfully opened tx_index DB!
2024-07-12 01:28:53 Start to import blocks from #1 to #142984 from bitcoind database: /tmp/btc-data
2024-07-12 01:28:54 Imported 1000 blocks, best#1001,00000000a2887344f8db859e372e7e4bc26b23b9de340f725afbf2edb265b4c6 (0x3ff4…6eb5)

By default, Subcoin will import all blocks up to the latest indexed Bitcoin block in the bitcoind database. You can specify the total number of blocks to import or the target number of blocks to import:

# Import 20000 blocks from the best block of Subcoin.
subcoin import-blocks /tmp/btc-data -d subcoin-data --block-count 20000

# Import blocks up to height 30000.
subcoin import-blocks /tmp/btc-data -d subcoin-data --end-block 30000


The bitcoind process must be stopped when running the import-blocks command, otherwise you will encounter the following error:

Error: Application(OpError { kind: None, message: "LevelDB error: IO error: lock /tmp/btc-data/blocks/index/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable" })

Verify the UTXO Set State

bitcoind provides an interface to inspect the UTXO set state. This can be used to check the correctness of Subcoin’s UTXO set after importing blocks. For example, to export the UTXO set of bitcoind at height 10000:

# Note that running this command requires the bitcoind process running in the background.
# If it was stopped, now restart it. You can stop it again after this command finishes.
./src/bitcoin-cli -datadir=/tmp/btc-data gettxoutsetinfo muhash 10000
  "height": 10000,
  "bestblock": "0000000099c744455f58e6c6e98b671e1bf7f37346bfd4cf5d0274ad8ee660cb",
  "txouts": 9494,
  "bogosize": 1109244,
  "muhash": "5a7c3a051a26d8cf61722f28fbbd3f0c2678698d008e5b7ec01e28a131c58def",
  "total_amount": 500000.00000000,
  "total_unspendable_amount": 50.00000000,
  "block_info": {
    "prevout_spent": 0.00000000,
    "coinbase": 50.00000000,
    "new_outputs_ex_coinbase": 0.00000000,
    "unspendable": 0.00000000,
    "unspendables": {
      "genesis_block": 0.00000000,
      "bip30": 0.00000000,
      "scripts": 0.00000000,
      "unclaimed_rewards": 0.00000000

Check the state of the UTXO set in Subcoin at the same height:

# Note that the existing `gettxoutsetinfo` only displays a subset of the information in `bitcoind`.
subcoin blockchain gettxoutsetinfo --height 10000 -d subcoin-data
  "height": 10000,
  "bestblock": "0000000099c744455f58e6c6e98b671e1bf7f37346bfd4cf5d0274ad8ee660cb",
  "txouts": 9494,
  "bogosize": 1109244,
  "muhash": "5a7c3a051a26d8cf61722f28fbbd3f0c2678698d008e5b7ec01e28a131c58def",
  "total_amount": "500000.00000000"