Bitcoin Full Node Built in Rust Using Polkadot-SDK
Unlock the Potential of Decentralized Fast Sync for Bitcoin — and more
Written in Rust
As a high-performance system programming language, Rust is well-regarded for its safety and concurrency. Its widespread adoption in the blockchain space makes it an excellent choice for fostering new contributors to the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Built on Polkadot SDK
Leveraging the scalability and flexibility of the industry-leading Polkadot-SDK (formerly known as Substrate), Subcoin has the potential to evolve into a robust and feature-rich Bitcoin software with production-level infrastructure.
Decentralized Fast Sync
Subcoin node enables new Bitcoin participants to quickly sync the latest Bitcoin state in a decentralized manner, achieving the fast sync functionality of Bitcoin Core without depending on a trusted snapshot provider.
Trustless UTXO Snapshot Provider for Bitcoin Core
Subcoin provides a dedicated tool Snapcake that serves as a trustless UTXO snapshot provider for Bitcoin Core without running a Subcoin node, downloading the Bitcoin state from the Subcoin P2P network and generating a Bitcoin Core-compatible UTXO snapshot which can be directly imported into Bitcoin Core.